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Story of Murtaza: A deaf & dumb child

Voluntary Medicare Success Story

Story of Murtaza: A deaf & dumb child

Murtaza , a 6 years old then, was a special child born with congenital hearing impariment, only son of the poor family. couple got shattered, their happiness turned into darkness 6 years back when they came to know that their son wont be able to hear loving and sweet voices of his parents and family members. Few years after his birth at the age of 3 Murtaza has undergone cochlear implant surgery with the hope that he will begin to hearand speak. After the surgery although voices became audible to child but was not able to speak. A year later the cochlear implant surgery child was admitted in normal shool but inspite of having normal IQ level his performance in that school was not upto the mark. Neither he was able to grasp the concepts nor was able to concentrate or pay attention to the activities which were taught. In a period of one year which he spend in that school he did not learn to speak a single work, neither was able to read or write single alphabet or numeral. His parents were not satisfied at all. They were very much worried about him. In April 2015 Murtaza was brought to Voluntary Medicare Society his parents. After being properly assessed and evaluated byu the professionals it was decided to enroll child in inclusive School of VMS, wherein addition to formal education he has been given special education sessions on 1:1 basis in distract free environment. Child has been given different concepts by using appropriate teaching learning materials and concrete items. In addition to academic skills special focus is laid on his speech and language development, social skill developpment, activities of dailyliving which is necessary for the mainstreaming of child . He has been given an opportunity to head the team during recreational activities and annual day functions to boost his confidence and to inculcate leadership qualities in him. 

Within a period of almost one and half year Murtaza showd such an improvement in all his areas that his parents are so much satisfied. They forget the pain and sufferings which they faced during previous years. 
