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Disaster Management

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Disaster Management

Voluntary Medicare Society reaches out to the general public as & when need arises to help the society at large during the crisis of disaster of any kind eg. In recent covid pandemic VMS reached out to far flung areas right from the first wave to provide medicines food kits , medicines particularly to persosn with disability. The districts covered were: Srinagar, Baramulla, Ganderbal, Kulgam, Anantnag , Bandipora ,Kupwara, and Pulwama. More than 348 beneficiaries have been provided with medicines and other medical essentials.

Food distribution

61 COVID positive patients have been provided with COVID medicines and COVID safety gears ( oxymeters, Betadine gargles, nasal sprays, disposable masks, disposable gowns, hand gloves, hand washes , sanitizers, adult diapers, sanitary napkins etc.). 56 COVID positive patients received oxyyen concentrators and oxygen cylinders, at their door steps.

Relief kits were provided door to door to the beneficiaries in order to avoid social gatherings and crowds. Prior to distribution all the families were called on their personal numbers so that a time slot for distribution can be agreed upon by the family and VMS.

Voluntary Medicare Society in collaboration with Srinagar Municipal Corporation built COVID wellness centers at different locations within Srinagar city. VMS provided transport facility, ambulances and all the necessary items along with Paramedical and ancillary staff to meet the emergencies. The organization also provided wheel chairs, stretchers, and ambulance services.

Other Programmes Under
Disaster Management

Rehabilitation Voluntary Medicare

VMS Oxygen Bank

VMS has a well established oxygen bank. We provide oxygen concentrators in 5L and 10L capacity, and oxygen ....

Rehabilitation Voluntary Medicare

Critical care Ambulance

A critical care Ambulance is available for needy beneficiaries with physical disability or spinal injury. Read More